Tell us if you’re thinking of letting your property

If you have a Chelsea mortgage and you’re thinking about renting out your home, you must get our consent.

You need to get our written consent before you let your property. 

If you let your property without consent, your mortgage interest rate will be higher than if you had consent. For more information read our Lettings Information Factsheet.

Elderly man being poured a drink by a carer

Getting consent to let

To get consent

Download and complete an Application to Let Mortgaged Property form. You will need to agree to these conditions of letting:
You must have a tenancy agreement in place. This must be an assured shorthold tenancy in England or Wales. Or a private residential tenancy in Scotland.
You must make sure that the relevant statutory notices are served to tenants.

Return your completed form to:

Lettings Team
YBS Group
Yorkshire House

Information for landlords

Find more detailed information about renting out your property.
Woman relaxing in chair while looking at phone

Call us

Chat to our mortgage specialists about your options.

8am - 8pm Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm Saturday

Calls to 03 numbers are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 from all phones.